Monday, March 29, 2010

Health Appointments

Several of you have asked for a health update.

March 19-closed reduction nasal fracture surgery (Isn't that a fancy name?!?!)

March 26-ENT follow up. He determined surgery was successful, that I am healing well. I should not wear glasses or blow my nose for another week. I should avoid all sports/possible collisions/not let people touch my nose/try not to hold small children on my lap because they are unpredictable, and it's too risky to do so during the next six months (the time it will take the bones in my nose are fully heal). As you can imagine, that last part will be insanely hard for me.

March 29-Neurologist consultation. He determined that we should proceed with a variety of tests (EEG, MRI, TILT) because he is concerned about the number of times I blacked out (about 8) within a short time frame (2 or 3 hours). There was a bunch of calling back and forth between the neurologist and my primary about whether she ordered an EEG or just a preliminary consultation with the neurologist. We determined that she had only ordered a consultation and that the neurologist would decide whether further testing was necessary once he spoke with me. I took this to mean my situation "wasn't that bad" and that I might not need an EEG after all. I shed a few tears about the shift in perspective after my appointment because I thought I only had one more doctor appointment left, but, as a result of the testing the neurologist ordered, I have five more doctor appointments left. I am tired of feeling helpless, weak, and wounded. After some praying and crying, I felt a lot better though, and now I am ready to move forward in trust. God is good, and He continues to teach me about humility, to learn to ask for help, to admit fear and sin and unbelief more freely, to accept love more readily, to trust the He and others care for me. He has broken down so many strongholds in my life in the last month! It continues to amaze me whenever I think about it!

As far as testing goes, the neurologist and I are most curious about the results of the TILT test. They will strap me to a swivel board and position it at different angles while they monitor my heart rate and blood pressure to see if they can recreate a situation that will prompt me to black out, to see if they can determine what any of the precursors were to me blacking out/fainting. This may result in taking regular medication to keep my rates within a certain range.

Upcoming dates of note:

April 1-My birthday!

April 2-MRI

April 13-EEG/brain wave study

April ?-TILT test

April 30-Neurologist follow up

April 30-Primary care follow up


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