Saturday, March 20, 2010

Pictures of the Bodens

I wanted to show you a few pictures of the Boden family. Above Lydia, Seth, and Sarai giggle for the camera one night while I was babysitting. You may remember this picture from my last newsletter.

Below Seth and Lydia are designing some Christmas cards at a Parents' Night Out the Media Division held this November. I sent out thank you notes just after Christmas that I wrote on cards that they designed. If you are a monthly supporter of mine, you have had a piece of their artwork in your home!!! Seth drew a Christmas tree and Lydia drew Jesus in the manger.

Here is a picture of the whole Boden family. What a blessing that a photographer friend of theirs got several high quality photos of them all together so recently! There are so many details, down to such small things that God has had planned and provided for! Sadly, I've looked through my files and I don't have a picture of me and Kylee. However, here is a picture of Kylee, her mom Linda, and Helen (her sister-in-law) at the bridal shower we threw for Helen at Kylee's home---Summer 2009. Linda has been divorced for years. Recently, in the last few months, she began dating Ed, a man that Kylee attests "is perfect for you, Mom!" Just a week or two before Kylee died, Linda and Ed engaged. What a beautiful moment that Kylee got to be a part of! She was SO EXCITED for her mom! Another major evidence of God's forethought and provision. His hand is all over the timing of her death. It is so evident how he hand picked the last interaction that each of us had with her according to what we most needed, what would inspire us most, what would reflect our relationship and her heart the most, help us grieve the most... Wow.

I was so blessed to meet weekly with Kylee for mentoring from January 2009 - May 2009. (She transitioned out of her part time counseling role that summer.) Do you realize how impactful that time was? How much she taught me? How deep the tears of sadness and celebration of victories we had together were? You are the reason for that. You are the reason that I got to move back to Florida by January 2009, drastically earlier than many of my fellow COAT program participants. The next members of my COAT class finishd fundraising and moved down in April, then May, and some are still support raising. Your eagerness to support my ministry and faithfulness in financially contributing made it possible for me to spend more time with this dear friend. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you.


At March 20, 2010 at 6:11 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Joanne, I'm so enjoying and am blessed by your blog posts of the Boden family, especially Kylee. These few days have been very emotional and draining at every thought of Kylee and your blog has lifted me up. I look forward to seeing you soon. God bless you, you are an inspiration and God has big plans for you my girl! Don't know why it shows "Dalena", who calls me that, ha! It's Dee Ladd, Danielle's mom!

At March 20, 2010 at 7:15 PM , Blogger Angi Douglas said...

Joanne, I feel blessed to have found your blog at this time. A friend & I are trying to put together a Memory Book for Matt & the kids. (we know her from MOPS in Kissimmee). Could you please contact me at to help out? Thanks!!


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