Friday, March 26, 2010

First Day Back at Work

Yesterday (March 25) was my first WHOLE DAY back at work since March 3, the night of my trip to the ER. I made it a WHOLE DAY yesterday! I have been waiting for this milestone to occur for so long! I really like my coworkers and am so thankful to be able to spend time with them, for laughter, and for renewed energy! I'm thankful for purpose in my day, the physical ability to start entering my normal routine again. It has been a very "un-normal" month!

Each week on Thursdays those of us who live on campus here at NMSI gather together for lunch (Campus Lunch/Community Lunch) to fellowship and discuss any upcoming activities, yard work that needs to get done, various issues that come up, etc. Yesterday was the first time I've been able to attend in weeks! Directly afterwards, as we were cleaning up and putting tables away, I found something very fun and silly on the counter in the kitchen. Members of our COAT training program assured me that they were not using these silly objects anymore and were happy to share them with me because they were extras. I wore mine for the rest of the day. It was SO FUN to see people's reactions when I walked around the office or they stopped by my desk to ask me a question. Ha! I love how God knows me so well, knows when I need something silly and lighthearted, a good reason to laugh. How He knows exactly what cracks me up! I hope you enjoy the pictures! (The sad face is because it is only sticky enough to last for one day!)

Thank you for your prayers for healing! I am excited to be able to post sometime in the future that I've gotten to go biking and/or running again. I so miss being outside in the sun and am working up to returning to these activities gradually. As far as grieving, I am still crying regularly, but the hardest part came to an end Saturday night/Sunday afternoon.



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