Saturday, August 14, 2010

My New Neighbor, My New Family, My New Friend

Joy Cronin is an NMSI affiliate and missionary to Panama. Since Panama borders Costa Rica, we will be neighbors soon! It was a blessing to room with her during the NMSI Regional Conference in Panama. As of August 2010, we are the only single female missionaries serving in Latin America with NMSI and the only NMSI missionaries serving in Central America with NMSI. When I moved to Fort Myers in January 2009, Joy and I started corresponding about the NMSI Biggest Looser contest that we participated in and acheived similar results through. Not only that, it is safe to say that I grew more in my relationship with her than with any other affiliate through correspondence related to completing media job requests. In so many ways it has been incredible to see how God has prepared me for this opportunity to serve relationship with Joy is just one aspect of that preparation.

The last weeks have held many good-byes. The hardest one will be saying good-bye to Matt, Seth, Lydia, and Sarai (Kylee's family), which will happen on Monday night. Please be in prayer for this time.

Wednesday I cried because it was the last time I will worship at devos with fellow NMSI staff (Wednesdays are praise and worship days at the office).

Next weekend I have the honor of worshipping in my home church in St. Louis. That will be the last time I will worship in an English speaking church for some time.

Though it is hard, I am generally peaceful and excited. One of my friends declared that I looked so joyful and secure, like I was going to get married, just got engaged. Later I was thinking that her observation makes sense... I am not engaged, but one of my biggest dreams IS coming true (to minister overseas to Hispanic children)! I have been working towards this and longing for it for a long time!

This morning I said good-bye to one of my favorite families here. Advocates of Spanish lunch, Uno card playing, bike riding, healthy food eating and more, the Blyckers have welcomed me into their home and their family. You may remember a recent post about Anders (4 years old) proposing to me! Recent graduates of the COAT training program, will you pray that God will enable them to raise support quickly? Their giftings are so needed here.

This morning I told Larsen (10) and Anders (4) that the Hispanic family I will live with in San Jose have children who are 9 and 3, almost the same ages as they are. Pen pals in the making! I am excited to build relationships with my new family and ask for your prayers along these lines. Will you pray that we communicate clearly with each other, edify each other, point each other towards Christ? I am excited that my school is only a ten minute walk from their house!

I will arrive in San Jose around 1pm on Monday August, 23, just a few minutes before Mary (the new fourth grade teacher at Sojourn) flys into San Jose. Will you pray that we quickly develop a deep friendship as we travel from the airport together?


At August 16, 2010 at 1:17 PM , Blogger paul moelker said...

You are in our prayers Joanne, can`t wait to read your first blog from C.R.


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