Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Health Follow-Up, Boden Follow-Up

At my follow-up visit with the neurologist, I learned that I have a small cyst in my brain (1 cm). It is in the pineal gland, which regulates melatonin, the hormone that makes me fall asleep. The neurologist said that cysts are the most common finding on MRI's and that it is quite possible that I have had this one my whole life and never known it. At the recommendation of the radiologist, however, we are going to do a follow-up MRI in six months to make sure that the cyst hasn't grown. Currently, I am presenting no symptoms of having a cyst in this location (vision problems, headaches, etc.).

At my follow-up visit with the cardiologist, I learned that my heart function is borderline low. My EF (which is a measure of how much content my heart pumps out with each beat) is 50%, when normal is typically 55-65%. This is not typical for my age, however the cardiologist assured me that some consider 50% function in this area to be normal and that because my heart rate is so low, the ultrasound may look worse than it is. Additionally, all of my blood work came back normal. I am not anemic. My thyroid functions normally. My liver and kidneys function normally. My electrolytes and all other levels that they tested are normal. Still, they would like to continue monitoring me, so I have a follow-up appointment with the cardiologist in July.

Some of the fatigue I have been experiencing has lessened, which is a blessing. Additionally, the cardiologist encouraged me to get back into biking and running again, which I have been enjoying. I love the sunny weather in Florida! This past weekend I moved into a new house, and I am settling in and getting to know my new roommates before our next training program starts in two weeks. I have been asked to be a COAT Link again, a mentor figure for a girl named Melissa who is going through our training program. Please be in prayer concerning resolution of health issues, unity of our housemates, and transformation for the COAT participants. Thank you so much for your faithfulness in lifting me (and all of us here at NMSI) up to God through prayer. There have been many major life events packed into the last few months and it is so nice to be assured of your intercession and care!

Several of you have asked how Matt is doing... he was at devos this morning at work for the first time and is slowly transitioning into half days in the office, moving into full time work by the end of June (I think). It is a blessing to see him around the office again! Today marks eight weeks since Kylee died. Matt's sister Joy and her family have moved back from missionary work in Brazil for a year and will be the primary care takers for the kids during the day as Matt transitions back into full time work. As I understand it, Joy's husband is continuing on in his role in Brazil via Internet while they are here. The two families are looking to find a house together, and Matt's church continues to provide several meals a week and be a strong support system for him as well. It is hard, and they are doing well. I got to hold Caleb for the first time last week---what a blessing!


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