Sunday, September 28, 2008

God Does Not Waste Time

I'm currently at 42% of my fundraising goal, meaning that God has raised 42% of the monthly donations necessary for me to return to the NMSI office in Florida and begin working in the Publications Department. Even though 42% is a HUGE amount, sometimes I wish the fundraising process was going more quickly. This is a time of learning about patience and trust!

I'm doing a Beth Moore bible study called Believing God with my friend Rachel right now, and something that Beth wrote about this week gave me a new perspective on the patience that I sometimes lack in fundraising. Beth writes, "Would it help to know that Christ also experienced the test of time? He didn't perform his first miracle until He was 30 years old. If we didn't know better, we might think God was running a little late, considering Jesus had only three years remaining in His earthy ministry. Nope. He was right on time....God created time and never wastes it." I think a lot more about those last three years of Jesus' life than those first 30 that led up to those last amazing three. Those first thirty took a lot of patience and trust in the Father, too.

Pray that I would trust God to lead me into full time missions ministry in his perfect timing, whether the funds are there at the end of October, end of January, whenever... I really like how Beth pointed out that God's never late and he never wastes time. Pray that God would continue to reveal his purposes for this time in St. Louis and that I would be a willing, patient, trusting learner!


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