Saturday, July 31, 2010

Ready to Deploy!

In the next weeks there will be many good-byes as I prepare to move to San Jose, Costa Rica, to teach first grade at Sojourn Academy ( I am deeply in need of your prayers, that I will be able to emotionally process this transition in a short period of time, keep my focus on Christ when there is much to do and many who I love dearly that I will not see for a year. That I will take the time that I need to grieve and be alone with God, have words to bless others and tears when needed for healthy good-byes.

Today I leave for the Americas Regional Conference in Panama with New Mission Systems International (I will continue my affiliation with NMSI while I am teaching in Costa Rica). Will you interceed for this time? That I would be an encouragement and a light to our missionaries in Central and South America? Specifically my roommate, Joy Cronin, who serves in Panama and my dear friend Susan Inchaustegui, who serves with her family in Mexico? That God will orchestrate times of deep fellowship and encouragement, that will be a time of rest and filling up for all... For His Spirit to move powerfully among us. How grateful we are for your co-labor with us!!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Day He Proposed

We were sitting in the car on the way to Walmart when he asked. I haven't known him long, but he's got a great sense of humor and comes from a great family. I really enjoy his parents. Actually, I connect a little more with his older brother and was surprised to find that he likes me as much as he does. So there we were in the truck, rumbling down the highway when he just looked over at me and asked matter of factly as asked, "Are you married?"

Joanne: No, I'm not married. smiling.... Do you have any suggestions?
Anders: thinking for a second.... What about me?
Joanne: smiling, trying not to laugh.... I don't know if it would work out.
Anders: confused.... Why not?
Joanne: Well, you're a great guy, but you're quite a bit younger than me.
Anders: You could wait for me to grow up.
Joanne: That's true, but the problem is that even when you're grown up, I'll still be 24 years older than you.
Anders: Oh.
Anders: thirty minutes later, still thinking about it... Mom says Larson will always be older than me, and I will always be older than Kiersta.

What an honor. I was deeply touched (and also sad on some level, as I deeply desire to be married and my suitors are pretty much exclusively under the age of 10). One of the kids I taught in kindergarten and one of the kids I've babysat have asked me to marry their dads before, but this was my first direct proposal, so I figured it was worth recording. Anders' family just completed our COAT training program here in Fort Myers. He and his family have been faithful attenders of Spanish lunch, and I've asked his mom to mentor me. She reminds me of Kylee in some ways, an incredibly wise, mature woman of God in her mid thirties. You don't meet people like that everyday.

Larson, almost ten, is an UNO champion and has helped become more self-aware. Always observing and pointing out insightful things, he picked up on the fact that I say, "It's true" a lot. Last week after Spanish lunch he told me I said it four times in the last hour. How funny! And it's true! I am noticing it more and more. I love how kids can help us learn things about ourselves, can affirm aspects of our personality or character that we doubt...

Case in point: A few days ago Anders looked at me and asked emphatically, "WHY are you ALWAYS smiling?" I didn't know what to say then either. I think we all laughed and conversation moved on. Later that night, Anders told his dad that he noticed that I had not answered his question. How funny! The next day I told him I smile a lot because I really love people and enjoy being around them. It was kind of a hard question to answer. Why DO I smile so much? As God continues to grow me, a deeper sense of security and peace fill me. That makes me smile. More often than not, though, I think being loved makes me smile. I smile a lot around their family!

I had a follow-up meeting with the cardiologist last week and was cleared to move overseas. Wahooo! When I told him about my overseas plans, he had no hesitation and said, "That sounds like FUN! Go for it!" A little while later he said I could come back in a year for a follow-up, if I happen to be in town then.

The exciting news is that I'm NOT planning on being in town a year from now! God is moving quickly and opening doors all over the place to move overseas. Many of you already know that I'm taking several survey trips to visit possible ministry locations this September and plan to move overseas in 2011. I am currently in the process of connecting with people to secure about $10,000 of one-time gifts to cover plane tickets, training at Missionary Training International (MTI), and language school in Costa Rica.