At the end of my monthly update I mentioned that there was not enough room to write all the praises that I have from the month of June. Here are a few!
*My roommate Helen is got married on June 27, 2009! We met about a year and a half ago through the COAT program and have been growing in our depth of love for one another since.
*Helen’s husband Shane, recently returned from serving in Kenya and has joined the Media Division. Thanks largely to him and Josh, I am learning more about graphic design and am starting to be able to use a little more creativity in my job/contribute to designing pieces from scratch. I am blessed by the increasing unity in our division.
*My Division Leader, Jen D., blesses me regularly and says that I bring out the best in her. Praise that this
relationship has grown
tremendously since I arrived in January. Praise for all the people here in the
NMSI community who speak up and tell me good that they see in me.
*Megan, one of my roommates going through the COAT program right now, blesses me with her boldness and honesty. Praise for several awesome girls in the COAT program that I have been able to start building
relationships with (Megan,
Rabecca, and Beth). This session of COAT ends at the end of July--pray for their
transformation and guidance with future ministry plans.
*This month the college/young adult group at my church in Fort Myers started to feel like home (ironically it is called “The House”). Specific praise for my friends Crystal,
Steph S., and Emily N. there and our deepening
*Praise for my mentor at
Kylee, a godly woman full of wisdom who loves people deeply. Praise for a deepening
relationship and even greater
appreciation for her and her family. Pray for her to have a restful summer with them (the twins are four and her youngest is one).
*Praise for Anne’s
availability and willingness to mentor me during the summer.
*Praise for an opportunity to do a Beth Moore Bible study (Daniel) with my church and a recent opportunity to do one (Patriarchs) with some girls from the office.
Specifically, praise for an opportunity to get to know the leader, Danielle, and her family better!
*A renewed excitement about prayer,
specifically induced by incredibly powerful
pre-service prayer experiences at “The House.” As Pastor Alex says, “No one should out-pray us for our ministry.” I have noticed a shift from praying mostly for my supporters back home, to praying mostly for those I am in regular contact with here, those I desire to minister to. I think this is a healthy shift that signifies that I am
enculturating here and fully investing in the lives of those around me.
*Praise for Pastor Alex and his wife Angie as both have encouraged me through their passion for God as well as their commitment to following up with people in the college/young adult ministry.
*Praise for a road trip this weekend to
Clearwater to reconnect with Derek and Ashley, two incredible people who went through the COAT program with me last summer. Pray for successful support raising so they can move back here to work in the Short-Term Projects Division (Derek) and with HIV Hope (Ashley).
*Praise that even though it has been a sadder, harder month compared to the last few, there are still TONS of reasons to praise God!!!