Sunday, July 12, 2009

Photo Update: June and July

This is the Sunshine Skyway Bridge. Sometime when I was in elementary school we took a vacation to Florida and we drove over this bridge. My dad got so excited about it (and does about most anything involving water as well) that he ended up with a magnet of it on the refrigerator. Yesterday I called to tell him a mysterious riddle about something big and yellow in Florida that I'd seen that day that he really loves. He thought it was a banana. "Think bigger! Bigger than a car!" There were quite a few clues given before I mentioned that he owned a magnet of it, but then he got it! I must have talked to him and mom for a good hour and a half. It was a really nice conversation---I felt supported and loved. I've been missing a lot of people from back home lately. I think it is because the summer COAT session ends next week and I was in summer COAT last feels like I should be headed home, too.
The reason that was driving over the cool bridge mentioned above is that I was meeting up with Derek and Ashley in Clearwater. It was my first solo roadtrip in Florida! Derek and Ashley were in my COAT class last summer and have been finishing up school and support raising in Illinois and Indiana, where thier families are from. Now they're based in Orlando, where Derek worked a church for some time. We met in the middle at this beach/park. It's amazing how beautiful beaches and parks can be! And confusing how the sun always seems hotter there...

This is me...I was going for a group shot, but didn't think of it until post-swimming, to which Ashley suggested that we do it a different day. They'll be up in Fort Myers for a week in August to attend a support raising seminar. Maybe I'll get a shot of them then. They're really sweet people!

Friday was "Cow Appreciation Day" at Chic-fil-a. A bunch of us dressed up like cows and got a free meal! That's right a whole entire meal free....sandwich, fries, even a milkshake! Quality company, dressing up in silly costumes, free food, ice cream, and fun dipping sauces...can't get much better than that!

This is a close up of my costume. I have some thoughts about how to do it better next time, but didn't have a whole lot of time to make it between work and when I left. The main part is a trash bag with Sharpie spots drawn on. There is a cowbell on my neck made out of a paper plate. The tail is a trash bag with a coffee filter at the end. I had a mask made out of a paper plate, too, but it looked more like a mean pig when I got done with it, so I left it in the car.

This is my upline/boss for Media, Jen. She recently had another knee surgery (she had one this winter, too). Pray for her complete healing and a joyful spirit. She is a huge blessing!

I was feeling particularly silly on the way home from bowling with the COAT group one day. Shane (left) is now married to Helen. Rabecca (yellow shirt) and Beth (middle in the backseat) are two of my favorite COAT people! That was definitely the most high fives I've ever given anyone during a bowling encourager's dream!

This is the bowling group. Megan B. is in the middle back wearing a blue shirt; she's my other favorite COATer and one of my housemates.
This is us with our tough bowling faces. Grrr!!

This is me at Helen's wedding. I went up early with Sarah on Wednesday to hang out and help get a few last minute things done. The wedding was Saturday (June 27). I got to design a really cool prayer card for them to hand out that the reception, which was one of my first (mostly) solo designing something from scratch experiences.

This is Helen at Helen's wedding. Ironically, I didn't take very many pictures that day. I did, however, end up being the one to video the ceremony. I have not had frequent practice as a videographer, but I think it turned out okay. A few weeks later, Ryan S. moved back, who is our resident (and only) videographer and most recent addition to the staff in the Media Department. I'm excited to see what videos he makes about NMSI as a whole, specific countries or projects, etc.


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