About once a week in July, God blessed me with a particularly joyful, grateful, in awe of Him day. When I was
journaling about all the ways He'd blessed me at the end of one of those days, I noticed a verse that had stuck out to me earlier that morning, "the law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming" (Hebrews 10:1). Along the same lines, it made me smile to think that this incredibly joyful, meaningful, my-heart-is-so-happy day was just a shadow of how good, full, and satisfying heaven is going to be.
A few joyful July moments:
*seeing Derek and Ashley, friends from Summer 2008 COAT
*finding out Melissa is engaged, friend from Summer 2008 COAT
*playing horse shoes with
Rabecca at Fourth of July....making up tons of silly horse shoe throwing positions and movement combinations
*trampling salt with Helen (Matthew 5:13...apparently her salt had lost its saltiness, so we decided to throw a bit on the ground and dance on it)
*flying away like super
heros with Jen S. as we left the office building on an errand...woosh!
*making a pirate eye patch for Matt B. to wear while he was mopping (Mopping is always more fun when singing and talking in a pirate accent, ah matey!)
*jumping for joy with Sarah B. at community lunch because it was such a good day and getting others to literally jump with us
*making a birthday sign for Marty and another for IT guy appreciation day---the beginnings of using computer/design skills to encourage others/be humorous/creative
*remembering Laura gave me bubble wrap for my birthday after we saw some people dancing on it in the movie Mr.
Magorium's Emporium (a kids' movie) and breaking it out to celebrate the night before she moved. Did you know that the twist is the most effective dance move at getting those bubbles to pop? Overall, the most effective method we found, however, was riding our bikes over it! Later we learned that the ease of bubble popping is
directly related to the size of the bubble. The bigger the bubble, the deeper and louder and more easily attained is the popping sound. Now you know :0)