Sunday, June 15, 2008

Jesus Loves Me, Redefined

What if the top-line (or A) is our country and the bottom-line (or B) is other countries? How often do we have an A>B mentality in this way? What about A is less than B?

Here's a new version of "Jesus Loves Me" that corresponds with the A=B philosophy:

Jesus loves us, this is true

But he loves the ______, too.

And this is His last command,

"Take my gospel to each land."

Yes, Jesus loves them

Yes, Jesus loves them,

Yes, Jesus loves them,

The Bible tells me so."

Insert the name of a different religion in the blank in the song. For example, "But he loves the Bhuddists, too." "But he loves the Mormans, too."

Insert the name of an unreachd people group in the song. For example, "But he loves the Najdi Bedouin, too." If you're interested in praying for "unreached people groups" or groups of people who have not heard about Jesus before, you can visit



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